The applications engineers at measurement computing are very responsive to help requests. Can you share any code to help give us more context? In this case, please close Labview and other applications then make sure that the GalilTools software can connect to the controller. The open function causes the connection to be opened, the command function causes the command to be sent and receives a reasonable response, the close funtion seems to cause the connection to be closed. Considering the name decoration of the symbols as exported by the DLL I''m convinced you should change the calling convention to stdcall.
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Just as a followup to what I've found for this Galil "gclib" library and Gapilusing my action-engine approach I can setup all the DLL calls but one for "any thread" execution and so far it all seems to run fine, even with a fair amount of beating on it.

Galil Motion Control

That is how I usually look at DLLs. Here are some screen shots if that would help.

Message 5 of You are reading what you sent out? I have also posted a second forum question to deal with this.

Using Labview with the GalilTools Communication Library | Galil

If this error were received when trying to connect to an actual controller, there labvuew be an issue with the actual connection. Message 3 of 7. Accepted by topic author GypsyEngineer. Trying to get VI to communicate with Galil Well if you can guarantee to call any galjl all DLL functions from within this single non-reentrant Action Engine, then you basically are already protecting the calls to the DLL from reentrant executation.

Motion Control and Motor Drives

Once again, thank you for your time and attention. While changing the call library node to run in any thread, fixed your problem, there is a reason that the setting to run the Call Library nodes in the UI thread actually exists. Add a string constant that has the program: The basics of this project is that it is a positioning system run by 2 stepper motors with specified angular limitations. Oddly enough, with the error, the DLL routines still seem to do what's being requested of them.

This will sometimes get fixed when I use the show highlight button on the Vi. But rather than stopping if no bytes are found, you would need to wait until a timeout time occurred or an expected response ": Message 3 of 5. Message 4 of Message 3 of Message 2 of 5. All of the motor configuration is handled in the GalilTools software.

I'll show my ignorance here and ask you what you mean by "name decoration of the symbols" and how it provided the necessary clue?

You can double click the Call Library Function node and a dialog box will open. In this example, a stop button is used in a event structure.

I already have the VI written to control direction and step conditions but don't really know how to make it communicate to the motor through the galil stuff. Labviea am not too sure how to go about this In advance thanks for the help, it is greatly appreciated.

Skip to main content. Just please don't call it an ESD button, since it isn't. Note that to run this VI in a useful manner, you will need to be able to communicate with a Galil motion controller over an Ethernet connection and that will, galip the most part, limit this discussion labviw what the experts among you know to be happening under the hood of LabVIEW in situations like this.

If everything else fails disassembly of the function is the only sure way to guarantee what calling convention is used. Message 6 of The Linux version libGalil. I am not too valil how to go about this. There are a few different methods for developing a LabVIEW application that can communicate to a Galil motor controller.


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